08-16-2002, 06:40 PM
There is a very fine line between a valid secret spot and a secret spot that gives a cheating level of advantage. This is one of the reasons I evaluate very carefully which spots to block, because many of them simply don't need to be fixed.
Take the church roof in the hunt or the roof in southern france for example: both of these spots require that the player "know the trick" to reaching them. However once up there you can still be seen/shot by other players, in fact once the element of secrecy is removed it's easier for them to be killed.
The other side of the line involves the hidden rooms, missing textures, under the map bugs; all of which I say is cheating. Destroyed Village is a good example of this, once you are under the map you are almost invincible, underground yourself plus can see other players right through the ground and walls. Friggen superman with a sniper rifle. Going down there after them turns into a "King of the Underhill" game on a very unbalanced playing field.
Now the really grey area, fixes such as my crossroads/bridge fix to block off the campers corner. This one is a tough call, since you can still be seen and killed, however to get to it you have to take advantage of a bug in the minefield. The level designer wanted players to die before they got in that spot, and a camper sitting back there has a very unfair advantage in RbDM or Obj modes, less so in TDM or FFA of course.
Sure, this is all just my opinion and not everyone will agree with all my fixes. That's one of the reasons I both provide seperate PK3 files for each fix in my archive and I have the name and version on the maps they effect. With ASE you can easily find out if my mods running, even filter out servers that aren't running it. It's also one of the reasons I've stayed away from other scripted spawn types of mods on the stock maps, even though some people have requested them. Besides I'm saving that kind of creativity for my own maps. biggrin:
BTW: If your not familiar with my fixes hit the logo in my sig to go to my site.