Re: .... -
08-22-2002, 05:29 AM
[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]The SDK is being release with the Expansion... ...
Remix, Did you not notice the 'suposed' aimbots. The only thing close to aimbots, hardly work, and only really log onto colors... which means u really aren't getting a step up.[/quote:3e6b6]
uh.... you brought it up.... if you know its irrelevant now why write it?
[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
The only way anything is going to be prvented is to get the community together. Thats all I'm really suggesting. I realize that stepping up and creating anti-cheats are hard as hell, almost impossible. But in order to have any form of community... we have to do something. Get EA's attention... AND IT IS POSSIBLE![/quote:3e6b6]
There is no evidence whatsoever that is is possible to get EAs attention or that if we did they would respond.
[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
-- If I'm about to release an expansion to one of my best selling games... and all of a sudden the community for this game.. the people who ARE PLAYING it... say they won't buy my new expansion... I'm gonna take notice! No one person or clan is going to attract the attention of EA.. We have to do it as a whole. (and you know that or you wouldn't think about a petetion.) I say we organize ourselves and try to make ourselves known. Get EA to realize they need to fix this.. or they won't get our money. Now, don't you think we'd get some attention.
um i think this will get as much notice as the other petitions have. also you cant really expect EA to be convinced that their Xpack will have poor sales. jesus without reading anything from anyone they could look at webhits for and know its gonna sell through the roof.
but you main point was that we should get together as a community and demand something from EA in order for us to support the xpack..... what exactly were we going to demand? that they just stop being a bunch of useless pricks? from what i can gater the idea is to just make a lot of noise about something but you havent decided what.
[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
The expansion for AA is the last chance for the community to get anything from EA. SO unless you want to turn into the cheaters heaven... I suggest we do something. I don't want to have to give up MoH, for some punk ass n00b who can't frag on his own.
well i cant personally turn the game into a cheaters heaven.... i thought i made it pretty clear that releasing the SDK for the game while not supplying patches for LONG TIME bugs as well as having no CD-Key online verification to ban players by would pretty much ensure that the publishers of the game did this themselves.
[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
If you are willing to sit back and say.. oh... well.. its gonna happen anyway... let it.. Then you don't deserve to call yourself a regular.. nor should you be a part of the MoH community[/quote:3e6b6]
yeah suck me off sunshine.
that really carries a lot of weight right after youve told me this is your first post on any forum whatsover and your first participation in any part of the MoH community.
why dont you try and participate in the fucking thing first and get yaself somethin other than a 10min fucking interest in the matter before you come talk to me about how i dont deserve to be part of the community you just joined.