Originally Posted by pest
Originally Posted by Pyro
... you don't wanna hear my opinions
I just think Americans should shut the fuck up about it...it happened deal with it
You are right, we dont want to hear your whiney ass, crybaby opinions. What is it? Penis envy? Did you get your ass whipped by an american? Would you like to get your ass whipped by an american? I dont give a shit what country you come from, you are about as sorry a piece of shit as I have ever heard of. You dont want to hear anythig about it, dont read it. Its pretty plain by the title of the thread what the topic is. But to come on here and bad mouth the US for being upset about the WTC is just prissy, candy ass bullshit. Why dont you stick your head back up your ass and keep it there.
haha...and I did give my opinion on it after and it was not really against america, one part was in a sense, but pertaining to this threads topic, my comment was definally not anti-american