Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "TGB!":77174
Originally Posted by Pyro
I wish America would fuck with Israel, finally do something right.
Because. . .
It is just my opinion
I don't see what the USA sees in Israel, I think they're as bad as the countries surrounding them.
Its military is the most humanitarian in the world.
you are a funny guy.
both sides need to teach there children not to hate.[/quote:77174]True. However, that doesnt change the fact that their military is, if not the most humanitarian, close to it. Again, look at the russian chchen wars. Israel handled and continues to handle situation as well as any other country in their situation possibly could, and has inflicted as few civilian casualties as possible. And if assassinating people is so bad then why did the US invade a country just so they could assassinate one man(Osama). After all, there is no question about it, the US would see to it that he got the death penalty. Or theyd shoot him on the spot.