Why am I all Blue? -
10-30-2005, 01:17 PM
Hello ladies, how is the GF1 world going? Yes, the Duke returns to his lovely homeland after 6 1/2 weeks of Basic Military Training, given to me free of charge from the U.S. Air Force. I graduated Friday and had base pass Thursday-Sunday, and Town Pass Friday-Saturday. Have a little time at the mall here on base to send you dudes a message, I know you must have thought the world had ended without me around.
As for Basic, well it was 6 1/2 weeks of misery for me, but I thank God alone for getting me through it. I had a pretty hard time, felt most of the time I was not going to make it, but by God's grace I did. (Now I get to look beautiful in Blue!) Warrior Week was actually not that bad, tear gas was not even bad. Now I am getting ready to leave for Tech school, for the next several months.
Well it is time to run for a bit, nice to be back. Lord willing I will drop you all a line again soon, one I get everything set up. Until then, hasta luego.
P.S.-The refried beans I had for lunch were muy bueno!