Windows 2000 Server Dedicated Server PLEASE HELP!! -
09-09-2002, 10:53 AM
I have setup a dedicated server and the only way to connect to it is through the IP. It is not listed in Gamespy or in Browse Internet Server. I tried modifing the server.cfg file several different ways, and tried dedicated server launchers just in case I was doing it wrong. All to no avail. Ive disabled my firewall and called my ISP to see if they automatically block ports. They don't because I pay a whole bunch for the "business class" connection lol.
Anyway, I'm running windows 2000 server and I wondered if there was an inherent issue. Are the ports autoblocked by win 2k some how?? I tried adding the ports to the services file, but that didn't work. Any suggestions?? Please let me know.