a quick lol sir! -
12-07-2006, 12:55 AM
[quote:ba36e]From Gamefaqs.com PC forums
Durning black friday, after waiting in line for two hours, I got (among some other things) a 22" widescreen LCD monitor for $200.
good enough deal. but when I got home I found it had a couple of bad pixels. after waiting a week for them to get some more in stock, I went to best buy to exchange it.
Well apparently bestbuy didn't believe my story about the pixels. they said they had to have it 'examined'. the lady comes out 5 minutes later and informs me that 'geeksquad didn't find any of your "bad pixels" '
Well thats good enough and all I tell her, but I want a new one anyway. 'But sir, geeksquad didn't find anything wrong with it' so I inform her that I don't particularly care what the 'geeks' think. I want a new one and they have to give me one as I am not happy with the one I have. So she grudgeingly gives me another.
On the way out of course, I run into bestbuy's crack security guard who demands my reciept. Deciding I've had enough of their antics, I tell the guy it's already been checked at the return counter.
guard guy:'Sir, I still need to see it.'
nah, I just put it in my wallet, dont feel like taking it out again. *starts to walk out*
guard guy: 'Sir! I need to mark your reciept, it's bustbuy policy!'
nah, I dont really feel like it. *heads for the door*
guard guy: 'SIR! You cant leave with that in your hands!'
okay. *walks through first door*
guard guy: 'SIR! I can't let you leave!"
whatever *walks out 2nd door*
guard guy:'SIR! Dont you walk out that d- SIR!SIR! dont you walk out that - Sir I CAN"T allow you to leave!'
dont worry. it's okay! *heads to car*
guard guy:'SIR! if you continue to w-- SIR! hey SIR! I just need to sign your reciept. its not a big deal!'
it's not? okay then, then why are you bugging me?
guard guy:'Sir! you better st---OKAY! OKAY! you just keep on walking and see what happens!'
*keeps on walking*
So the crack security guard runs back into the store and comes out with a cell phone about the time I get to my car and open the trunk
'Sir! dont you dare put that in your t- *puts it in the trunk* take that out right this sec- *closes trunk*
at this point the crack security guy is furiously snapping pictures of my tag. I wait a bit and ask if he got all the pictures he needed.
guard guy:'not one more word sir!'
seriously, you got the pictures you need? I can wait.
guard guy: 'dont say one more word to me sir!'
I just wanted to make sure you got my tag. I didn't steal anything so I don't mind
guard guy:'Sir you better not say another word to me!
you mean like the right to remain silent? you didn't tell me that you are a police officer, and here I thought you where just a crack security guard at bestbuy.
guard guy:'sir, not one more word!'
okay, but I'll be backing up now so you might not want to stand behind me *gets in car*
guard guy: 'Sir! you better not leave! I'm warning yo- SIR DONT YOU LEAVE! DON- COME BACK HERE! SIR!.....'
and so I left him standing in the parking lot shaking his fist at me. To hell with bestbuy[/quote:ba36e]