Ideas for audio project. I've been gathering sound files for a while now, but nothing compares to audio files in games such as MOHAA and BF1942 (as you will be able to tell).
So I'm going to put together a 90-120second clip of an "audio story".
Here's my layout so far:
On train.
Train doors open
gets blasted with bullets, etc.
tank rolls in
plane flies by
drops bomb
recreate the whole shell-shock sequence (like the beach in saving private ryan)
that's what I have so far, but i'm going to expand more on the shellshock when I get the right files.
I need some more input on the story line.
I thought maybe the dude could go into a barn where it's a makeshift hospital. Then either 1) germans come in and shoot the hell out of them 2) a bomb blows up the barn (that's if i could find a nice explosion sound to fit it well). Then maybe I could go into a segment where I'd use sound clips of Churchill or Truman talking about the war over battle sounds or light music.
Do you all have any cool ideas?
Also, I'm looking for a good quality stereo sound of an impending missile dropped from a plane. I don't know what games you all play, but if you have any sound clips from games that you all play (i.e. DoD, Brothers in Arms, etc) could you send them to me at derekrohaly at gee Appreciative!!
this is only about 3 hours of fishing for sounds and adding them in sequence with panning and volume settings.