Team Killing -
09-25-2002, 01:41 PM
I was involved in some team killing last night. I play with two (now three) other guys regularly. Well we were on Omaha last night and FF was turned on halfway through the previous map. I discovered it while playfully shooting at one of my teammates. I then proceeded to mow down my buddies every chance I could get (Axis) as well as the Allies who happened to stumble onto my path. It was pretty fun, b/c we were using Roger Wilco to communicate between ourselves and I loved to hear my brother talking smack after I hosed him off.
We were only shooting each other, none of the other Axis members. The thing was you couldn't have an itchy trigger finger or you'd wax someone who wasn't "playing".
So...I ask, how out of place were we in doing this and have any of you guys done something similar? I normally play fair and respectfully, but it was late and we were about to leave anyway, so I thought I'd kill my friends...