08-23-2007, 09:54 PM
Proteus, you're friend who was "hardcore straightedge" or whatever heading into college sounds like a retard and a fool. Not for being "hardcore straightedge" but for the sheer fact that drinking and partying came over school and work. As for yourself, you seem like you just either started drinking or just go into college. You're going to learn that there's a bit more to life then just drinking to be cool. Also, just because Coleman doesn't drink or smoke doesn't mean he's going to lecture you on both in the middle of a party. My friend just started drinking at age 21 and before that he had fun at parties just the same as he does now that he started drinking. Also there's no reason to look down or make fun of straight edge or people who choose not to smoke or drink. Odds are, those people will literally save you ass sometime when you're wasted.
As for Forte drinking in college, you just need to take it in moderation. There's no need to go out and get shitted up every night and fail school. Just party on the weekend or some shit when you've got all your priorities straight. I've met far too many people who decided to go out on a Tuesday night or some crap and not go to class or work the next day. Moderation folks, just like the black Tanqueray guy.
p.s. get cracking on them beer chugging and beer pong skills Forte.