Originally Posted by Pyro
The one thing I don't get is why start a thread about such a stupid topic, like what you wanna know how many people hate someone from hwat you know of this guy that the media tells you to know.
Like the Micheal Jackson Thread...I can see why people would be against him, but is this forum appropriate just to make fun of someone you basically only know about from what the media tells you.
I can understand if he was a personal friend, or you know him and have seen and been with these people and know what they really are like then you could badmouth them.
I find this thread childish.
Eminem is an annoying cunt end of story. Ive seen plenty of other forums with thread like this and pretty much everyone hates the little fucker.
I think raps kinda ghey anyway, i mean what is it really? Some white guy (nigga) uttering a streaming load of bollocks from his mouth at almost uninteraperable speeds while all the while hees swinging his hands about the screen for no apparent reason eek:. If its a black guy whos doing the "rapping" its pretty much the same story only he will use the words "nigga" and "bitch" along with other "gheto" bullshit.
In eminems case he's a combination of both of the above only he bitches about having a shitty life. Boo fucking hoo the little bitch is rolling in money for whining like a cunt about having a shitty life.
Completly retarded and i dunno why or HOW for that fucking matter people like it.