As part of a final for a Stats class we have to do a simple project of our own using existing research/numbers or coming up with our own claim. Since we can't do our project on "sexy" stuff like, well sex, drugs and or rock and roll - I stumbled on the idea of doing it on that age old chestnut - "Nerds dont get the girl/guy". Having said that my claim is thus:
The amount of money/time an individual spends on video-game entertainment has no relationship to the number of partners an individual has had (had meaning simply in a relationship with).
I plan on collecting this data from three different forums so if you see this elsewhere (by some weird coincidence), no need to resend the info.
In order to prevent this from being a "lolz, you dont get laid" thread (this isn't the point at all), you can either PM your response or email it to with STAT REQUEST in the subject line so that I know it's not spam. If you feel comfortable giving the information here - that's fine as well.
The parameters are simple:
1st - Chart
Calculate (if you can), the amount of money you have spent on "Video Game Entertainment" in the last year (games, game system, Gamefly rental fee, computer components, MMORPG subscription, etc). If you MUST guesstimate, please come as close to the exact dollar amount as possible - an exact number would be ideal.
2nd - Chart
Calculate (again, if you can), on average the amount of hours you spend gaming a week (over the last month). This one is fine to guesstimate, although if you can, an exact number would be appreciated as well.
Comparative Value for both
Count the number of relationships (dates, long-term, short-term) that you have had since age 18.
Optional (although I'd like it if you would tell me) Information:
East/West/In-Between-Coast or Non-US (sorry rest of the world).
This is the best way I could come up with in order to explore my claim. If someone has a better way of doing this please let me know. Again this isn't to measure e-peen or whatever (my original one was a comparison between time playing games and time engaged in "academic pursuits"), but just to do a fun project that perhaps someone (in this class at least) hasn't tried before.
I'd like to keep this running for a couple of days (until I get around 30 or so replies or Wed. evening - whichever comes first).