Okay firstly i HAD a geforce 4 mx440 and decided to get a bigger one, this card performed very nicely and seriously kicked butt compaired to my older geforce 2... now with this performed how i expected it to, basically great with a little slow down when lots happened at once (well it was only a 64mb ddr card). Now on this card i could set everything to max, it would always turn the volumetric smoke off anyhow, but i could run it happily with the FPS dropping when i run through clouds of granade smoke...
Now when I upgraded to a card with TWICE the memory, TWICE the speed and TWICE the people saying how great it is i was a little frustrated that in MOH it still performs edzactly as my old MX440 did... its fps gets higher but still slows on the major screens and esp on the bridge level... if i look at my fps they do go as high as 220+ and yes i'm sure thats great but i expected it to have the power not to slow down so much... anyone have any idea what might be going on???
Basically it does'nt matter what i do, if i set ALL the settings to low, medium, auto configure, even max... it performs edzactly the same... obviously i like it looking realistic and smooth, and as turning these settings down makes no difference i leave them on high or med depending on my mood.
Does anyone out there have a TI4600 and have it working perfectly, i can only play up to 1024x768 resolution as i have a small monitor (no room for my 19" on desk) is MOH just not accesing the card properly or is there some stupid feature i am missing in the cards settings?
I have the latest detonator drivers...40.71 (and in 3dmark2001 it increased my performance by 800pts so i'm keeping them if i can) and windows recognises my new card, even MOH does in it's .cfg file... but it does'nt make any major difference to my games performance.
Anyone have any suggestions, EA SUPPORT told me to lower my sound settings, that did'nt make any difference and yes my p4 chip is big enough to handle the game (1500Mhx) I even have 512Mbs of RIMMS to keep it nice and smooth, windows XP runs perfectly and all my drivers are the newest i can get... i am thinking there must be some setting in MOH i can activate, like in RTCW or quake 3 (com_hunkmegs 256) to use more memory, more graphics or maybe just render the game in realtime (the wolfman demo works perfectly, and i would'nt argue if MOH works with that kinda graphics
