10-05-2002, 05:52 PM
heres a sniepr story that happened today with me and pyro. were in my server server (waffenss server) and were playing everythings going good. then this guy comes and hes pretty good. his name is like ieatz {doh} (im good friends with two doh members and i never heard of this guy) but were playing and u know how sometimes the game gets gay? well i had my crosshair on his head sniper rifle, shot nothing happened so i said something liek fucking ea. the guy was like its ok im better than u. this pissed me right off. so i challegned him and after a few duels ingame with 20 people, we passworded the server and played stalin with snipers. when we start off i have to friends including pyro in spec, im on allies vs. him on axis. he wants me to do this sitting down bullshit in the middle of the map... western duel style. i said no and made him play the map, the way moh is suppose to be played. so were playing and this guy is pretty good im up by 1. then he cries and says he wants it his way. so i agree and we both sit in the middle of the map. he says open fire and we both dook it out sniper close range. im thinking wtf this is gay, were dancing around like monkeys. after abuot 10 kills hes winning by 2. i loose my nerves and relax, and then start to kill him. he was saying stuff like bs and wtf. in the end i won by 4kills dueling, and 1 kill normal play. he was one of the best snipers i have ever seen, but still not good enough. lesson of the story is dont talk shit to anyone saying "i can own u" and all that. it will always backfire, or the person ur saying it to ends up being better than u. theres ur story