10-10-2002, 07:05 AM
Right its time vander was put straight and this accusation nailed on the head. I am a member of LiVi clan and i can say quite catagorically that absolutely no member cheats period. We as a clan take it very very seriously and we use no mods at all. As for Major Carnage he is one of the best players i have seen so Vander mate its down to him being far far better than you. As for knowing where people are well have you heard of teamspeak you know the voice program that allows those to relay info to each other. LiVi use this all the time.
I suggest that if you want to accuse a player or clan of cheating you make sure you get your facts right. If you are not convinced then join the server and watch the game some more. You will see that not all LiVi players are as good as Carnage and that may convince you. But then again you seem to have made your mind up already haven't you.
Finally thanks to those posting who didn't take what he said at face value and demanded proof. Its easy to fling accusations about like this and blacken a clan or players name. And as for Fusiondreams what was your name then when you were in LiVi....what was it registered as, prove your statement that you were in the clan. Seems to me that there are a few people who have it in for us for whatever reason (and cheating is not one of them)