10-17-2002, 06:23 PM
I tried to play BF1942 online once using a pIII 450 and a 56k modem, damn that was a scary horrific experience. ed:
Seriously though, i live in a (large) house thats about 150 years old, it kind of stands out a bit in my town, anyway, weve lived there for about 19 years, we moved in when I was 1 year old, and although i cant exactly remember it, my mum has told me they were decorating one of the rooms, and brick being used as a weight balance, "fell" from the shelf it was on to the middle of the room.
Also, the dining room, which doesnt get used much except for christmas dinner and birthdays, and the piano is in it, is always the coldest room, and feels a bit eery.
My 24 year old sister is scared to stay in the house by herself at night, im not, but i have seen a puppy in my room, which has ran under my bed and vanished. we didnt have a puppy at the time, but our garden is full of little flower beds which are graves from our past pets.
not scary, more of a kind of cool thing, but i dont really beleive in ghosts, and IMO think they are just our imagination playing tricks on us.