10-17-2002, 06:53 PM
[quote="Desert Eagle KaoS":7f86a] when you turn off force models it feels like you're playing a ffa game instead of as a team. everyone's got their own preference for stock skins and it sucks that you have to take that extra half second to make sure that the person in your crosshairs is the enemy. more often than not that enemy is going to get you first. the fact is that armed forces wear similar uniforms..[/quote:7f86a]
yeah theres that but screw it..... i wanna see whatever the hell i pick. i been playing with elite sentry / airborne forced for months and thats what i want to use. these are the helmets i look for when sniping and against the background when im running about. i used to run forced cause with low graphics setting on a shit card at 20FPS you pretty much pissing into the wind if you wanna distinguish between all the skins and have a decent game.
i got a kickass card now but i like my Nazis as SS looking black bastards and pretty much everyone uses the Ranger skin as allies so i wanna look different.
you could spot the tools from day 1 who were running around on all maps with the snow outfits and you knew what they were doing.... its always gonna happen to some degree.... just got to shoot them in the face first is all.
[quote="Desert Eagle KaoS":7f86a] now if you took off force models and then make it so everyone has the same skin on then that will be tolerable.[/quote:7f86a]
i think thats exactly what DogMeat's DMZ DogTag does.