Originally Posted by MPowell1944
to note on this topic about the anti-force models mod that is out now.
i joined a server today with force models on. when i entered the server, only about 80% of the skins were forced. so i went and unchecked and checked the button again. then all of the models went forced. about 5 minutes later, some of the skins werent forced anymore. so i just entered a console command and fixed that little problem.
simple as 1,2,3.
You must not be talking about DMz, because it simply toggles force models on or off depending on the setting, none of this "80%" or "some of" stuff. The server makes the client give the command to set the cvar, and while you can switch it back you can't stop it from accepting the server defined setting every cycle it sends it. In the future it'll individually scan players and thus we'll be able to run realtime instead of cycling with a delay as it is now. Anyways I'm interested to hear what you used to defeat this, PM me if you would.