You guys have too much confidence in the special forces teams: they are
not as "powerful" and 1337 as you think. The people that took that theater
knew EXACTLY what they were doing: the fact that it all went so meticulously
and that they took the time to rig the place with explosives speaks of their
Am I the only one that sees the irony in trying to "end a war" by an act of
terrorism ? biggrin:
yes. cause if that doesnt work nothing else is gonna work. they dont want to negotiate, they want to kill everyone. they coem up with soem stupid ass demand for the russians to go away or something, but now they're never gonna go away because of this.
Gas won't work if they don't have gas masks. They probably have someone on the outside to detonate the explosives remotely. I agree with Solidus, they going to take as many as possible with them for their cause. In all reality the only thing is going to do for the cause is give Russia an open door to do a little ethnic cleansing.
looks like the only thing russia can do is follow their demands and until it's safe they'll go back and do soem of that ethnic cleansing u were talking about.
germ they're not going to meet demands like that, either some massive operation is pulled off, they wuss out or the place blows up. the russians aren't going to take the blame for it if the place blows up.
The whole freaking population in any country that hates the world so freaking much should have their lands turn in parking space and old refineries and the whole bloody population deported to the sun in a one way ticket..... oOo: