Sure, i am looking for a sig, i just wish i knew how to make em, lol. anyway, i am in a sniper only clan called [84thUSMC]. Ill let you use your imagination on this one, also anyone that can make one, feel free, as i would like a few to choose from, or even change em weekly.
Hey Noise whatsup. I was trying to make myself a logo, and didnt come with anything that great. I was wondering if you could make me one, that looks pretty mafia-ish. Thanks lemme know. cool:
tanker...thanks for doin this u can really work it man
anyway i was thinkin mabye something with canada tied into my sig with my name {JTF-2} CaP bUsTa on it just use your great imagination and do whatever..if u have some cool backrounds u wanna try out or some cool pics then be my not picky hake:
im just appreciative that u would do this for me as i cant work psp worth a shit
nice thread nOise. get on MSN i'm still waiting for u to help me with Milkshape and the wallpapers. and I love ur style of sigs, you should teach me or something, lol
hey i really like the one u made for Ssgt.Jackson so could u make me one with this [img][/img] and [img][/img] and could u make it for the name =//513th\\=Ssg.Spears