Actually if you look at the scripting they are using, its not too hard to figure out. It doesn't take alot of brain power once you do a little studying...which makes it even funnier when these guys brag about how they are superior to all of us. oOo: I was hoping Hacker1944 would come in here and just come out of the closet already. But as you can see he is putting on the appearance of the mature person and holding his fire. Funny isn't it? If any of you know how to get to the hackers forum he is on. He makes all his statements in the M_ _ forum saying he doesn't care if anyone why no admission now? Well heres a few tid bits from the M_ _ forums. angel:
[quote:136c4]Mpowell1944, please ok this...
i would like permission to use a couple of your screenshots on a site we're making with ccsoccer and i think s7at is involved, and also so is boballooo and a few other, i wanna play with your screenies and do stuff then post them on the site, ill let you see them before we actually post if you need that reassurrance, but ill give u credit for the hack itself. just say if its ok or not thx man
[quote:136c4]i'm not giving the official OK, but go ahead and edit them.
let me see them before you host them. also, what site will they be going up on?
*askin' you this to avoid spilling the beans on those hacks, if you know what i mean.*
*oh, and dont use that name in the subject line anymore. just use either 1944 or Hacker or Hacker1944. thanks*
[quote:136c4]A New Hacker is in Town.
hey everyone. this is MPowell1944. you all might know me from my maps/mods for MOHAA. I also share the hacking side of the game with you all.
I have some interesting hacks/cheats that i would like to share with you all. Please leave any comments here.
[quote:136c4]my MSN is
i'm working on a mohaa hack site right now. i will add the pics when i get a chance.
here is the link, but i just started last nite so only the logo is up. lol