Originally Posted by Gerard
...what makes this so different frm the last one? Ooh a few new weapons and vehicles.
twice as many guns, twice as much music, twice as many characters, 100 hours of gameplay, you can fly helicoptors, drive motorcycles, jump from moving cars, break car windows to pull people out, shoot out tires, the maps are twice as big, the draw distance is greatly increased, you can go into certain buildings like nightclubs, malls and stripclubs. Big name actors are doing the voices, actors like Ray Liotta, Gary Busey, Dennis Hopper, Jenna Jameson (well, big in porn ed: ). There's now licenced music by some great 80's bands like, Quiet Riot, Judas Priest, Michael Jackson, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, ect...The game is also in DTS so it sounds considerably better than the first.
So I think there are a great number of things that make GTA:Vice City different from the last one.