I think teamspeak is a lot better than RW.
TS is being improvedand worked on. RW on the other hand was bought up by Gamespy who has yet to make any improvements. The only thing they did for RW is make it addware.
TS can also do a lot that RW cant. Seperate channels, speak to one person only. TS also sounds better, atleast to me. KeyMap to switch channels.
TS also just released a new version that fixed several bugs.
I have to agree with Druid, TS offers so much more and I also think TS sounds better.
The other thing to remember. What does all your friends use. It will do you no good if all your friends use RW and you use TS or you use RW and all your friends use TS.
I must say the aa.com game server is so much more fun when everyone is on TS
Just don't let Jasper see this thread, he's partial to TS biggrin:
until 1 of our clan members actually buy the TS i will keep rw going at the mo and will only use TS when 4v4 matches but thanx for the responce ,as this is what alliedassault is all aboot ain,t it angel:
Roger Wilco used to be great. But, until I started to use TS, RW began to give me many issues, including not being able to see the public directory, which really sucks. So, I switched to TS, and have been grateful ever since, it's such a great proggie.
I give TS2 a thumbs up. All the [OTD] bunch uses it everytime any of us are on a server. Thanks to Jasper, it is a great platform and being able to change between channels is a great feature.
Has anyone heard of or tried teamsound? you can get it at http://www.teamsound.com. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, so I thought I would ask.
I do use Teamspeak and would recommend it to anyone. The voices are clear, it's easy to set up/use and uses nearly nada bandwidth. It's become such an integral part of my MOHAA gaming that I find myself verbally answering text messages from those not on Teamspeak.
If you see this tag <TS2> behind someone's name they're on Teamspeak. Not all who use Teamspeak wear it however.
Whats better? A cell phone with free long distance and unlimited mighttime minutes and a conference call. Otherwise is all sounds like a couple of cans and a string.
Has anyone heard of or tried teamsound? you can get it at http://www.teamsound.com. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, so I thought I would ask.
I have used TeamSound. It does not compare to RW or TS2. Much harder to set up. No centralized server. Poor sound quality and uses more bandwidth than either RW or TS2.