Originally Posted by snipedurazz
Actually I as well know ur position on this too. I know who you are also. I really do get fed up with little half-assed punks who go out into a server and rack up 100+ kills and under 20 deaths. It really does piss me off.
man all i can do i laugh at you. i kick ass in mohaa... 5to1 ratio is rough, but 4to1, 3to1.... i do it just about every game. now these is stock mohaa... no forcing models or anything, just clean stock mohaa. after getting accused of having an aimbot about the 500th time and people clal you a cheater because you have natural skills... you get kicked from servers because you are "unnaturally good". thats about the time you say fuck it and start using and making hacks. if you EVER become that good then maybe you would realize this.
[quote=snipedurazz][quote="-MoB-Luigi[gF]":701b9].....Whenever you get close, they will be one step ahead. but I just think you are wasting your time trying to be a "MoH:AA Hero".[/quote]
Well lemme ask you sumthin ok? How many times have you seen the show cops? Ok now I gotta say that the police are outnumbered every single day and 99% of the time the crooks and punks are 2 to 3 steps ahead of the police and what ends up happening? Their asses are brought to justice! You been listening to the news lately about that sniper bitch? OK where is he now? Thats right in JAIL!!! He was way ahead of the police actually on a roll but he was taken down and it will be hard to. I am not blasting in talking trash and dissing everyone in my path I want ppl to offer to help and join the losing team! So what if they will be ahead of me and others. Does that mean we should just stop and give up? NO!!!!!!!!! M16: when ur getting robbed up the ass and jumped on the streets do you want the cops to just sit their asses back and say...."Opps we cant help that guy, the thugs are allready beating him up"? Well from now on that excues is not gonna work anymore! You are pathetic if you give up so quickly!
lmao one stupid comment after another man... if you havent noticed, small time, stupid crooks are busted.... the major ones are never even noticed. you see you only hear about the stupid criminals... the true great crooks in the world still go unknown.
and yes we will never be stopped. im sure you also recognize me from mpc, thats [url="http://www.mpc.turbohost.net"]http://www.mpc.turbohost.net[/url] for the portal, or if you wanna go thru some shittier menu's,
http://www.multiplayercheats.de works too. any of you guys who want to come make hacks, come on over, if you dont have the balls to be a man, then grab an alias and make some hacks. deep down we all know that modding and hacking go hand-in-hand. so i guess ill see you all @ mpc.