WHAT DID THEY DO TO THE WEAPONS MODELS! OMG, they made em look like Frontline or something. Its incredibly gay!
Loads of new weaps for Allies, 1 for Axis? What? They think Axis never has enough already anyway? The port MG-42 sucks, you cant set it up on ledges or whatever, so you have zero protection.
MY GOD! It kills the frames. I lowered all the settings to medium to become playable, on a 1.5ghz AMD, Gf3Ti500, and 256 mb of ram.
Uh.. what else? There is no reload animation for the mortars. Wow, it must come from underground! Or the Port Mg-42 for that matter.
All the weapons are butt-ugly. I think I already mentioned that, phrased differently.
I DO like the way health comes back. And the mortar/nade eplosions.
Smoke nades are perfectly useless. Kinda fun though. THEY EVEN MADE THE BOMBS LOOK SMALLER! Whats up with that. Everyone knows bigger bombs = bigger boom = bigger fun. I like all their switches and stuff in the sub level. I dont like the skin selections for the UK or the Russian dudes.
Pyro, that has to be one of the funniest pictures I have ever seen. Thats going to require some therapy later. lmao
As for the portable mg its in the malta map in a room on teh axis side. I found it on accident once but could not find it again. I thought it sucked. to hard to find a good hiding place to set it up where your not completly out in the open.