hey im new, gimme a break, if this has already been asked, please dont get pissed off, but here goes: whens the demo coming out? is it gonna be the beach landing?
True enough Neo. Also I don’t think it would be very long if it came out now.
But when it does come out I hope it has a bit of multiplayer (as well as Single player of course) …you know just to see how it runs. Even one map would satisfy me enough.
Welcome to the board, since the question has already been answered here, I'll just give you this link for the Q&A -- http://www.alliedassault.com/gameinfo/qna/ --
Hopefully it will answer any other questions you may have.
[This message has been edited by Hans (edited August 12, 2001).]
Nope, the one time I gave it a try was a week before my old hard-drive gave out.I didn't use it too much anyway, so I never bothered to go through the setup proccess again.