Good times! Every Thanksgiving we take the kids to my wife's grandfather's hunting camp. We have so much fun shooting (double barrel .410, replica 1851 Navy Colt, .22 Winchester) that my wife has to make sure that we don't shoot up all of the paper plates before mealtime! (it's happened evil: ) My kids love always have a ball (two girls - 16 and 12).
i shot a over under last year for the first time. i was used to the tiny kick of a .22 or .22 hornet (thoose are a blast). and i pull the trigger and the rath of god comes down on my shoulder. they have sooo much kick for a first timer.
because I'm in the cadets, I get to fire 5.56s (SA-80, L98, LSW), and if I go on a special weapons course in the summer, I'll be able to fire loads, like Steyr AUG, G36, M16, GPMG. But unfortunately we don't fire live rounds often.
Me and a few buds went to the range this weekend. I had a blast. We hd more damn shooting toys than you could shake a stick at. I needed to site in my rifle for hunting season, so I had my .270 and my buddy had his as well. We also had several pistol (.22 with red dot, .357 revolver, .40 semiauto). We had a supressed 10/22 that was deadon and dead quiet. We also had a very nice AK47, rusian made, sytheticstock that was dead on at 120 yrds with iron sites. We were picking off clay pidgeons that we set up on the backstop with relative ease. It made a very satisfying sound. We also had a full auto (class3) AC5.53 (I think thats what it was, maybe a AC5.57, please excuse my ignorance). Very cool. Could be set to single shot, 3 round burst or full auto. The ROF was kind of low, and it bucked (climbed) like crazy compared to some smgs I have shot but it was still very fun.
Anyway, I just love shooting and thought I would share.
because I'm in the cadets, I get to fire 5.56s (SA-80, L98, LSW), and if I go on a special weapons course in the summer, I'll be able to fire loads, like Steyr AUG, G36, M16, GPMG. But unfortunately we don't fire live rounds often.
Bartlett you lucky bastard, all I got to fire in army cadets were the enfields.