weird happenings in Spearhead demo -
11-10-2002, 06:32 PM
I can't figure out what's wrong with the demo, it's just not like MOHAA.
people seem to all of a sudden start strafing faster, running too fast (I have fast mode off in filters)
I was using Mosin-Nagant earlier and I shot like 4 people when I was not aiming at them, just firing randomly at the strafers.
Yes the original MOH:AA was levelled in that you could not run fast unless you were running.. On this demo it appears that any direction you travel, crouching or standing, you do a steady 20mph dash.
Yeahh I really hate the run-speed, even when set to `walk` its still like quake or unreal t, the thing I loved about mohaa was the vulnerabilty of your characters speed, if they change this it would be a real shame.
I like the speed update. As for the glitches of randomally firing, etc, this is the realism mod that EA put in the game. It causes the bullets fired to go a few inches off target. So, some of the shots you fire will hit the enemy, even if your way off target.