11-11-2002, 01:29 PM
What a bunch of monopolistic SHIT! Has anyone tried the ASE-Fix for the ingame browsers "shoddy" connections, and GAMESPY's insistent and never ending ad-spam??? Well I just did, and there are no servers listed on the "other' category for MEDAL OF HONOR. This is a joke.
Can GAMESPY become anymore annoying or dare I say - HATED - by the community? I honestly cant believe some people still chose that lame ass place as their "choice of game connection".
Good thing I already added them all to Favorites 8
Note that ASE is getting cheesier every day.. Like the fact that now everyday I get asked if I want to view the benefits of becoming a registered user. It will have spam soon enough.
in ase,if u select other as game type for mohaa,SH servers will show up,just add them to one of your favorites folders then select your spearhead exe for the game type,so it opens when u click on it