dammit i wanted to find out about this list... but i guess no one can keep something ontop. btw khold... duck isnt a sniper sure he can snipe pretty good... but go against him with an smg or a shotgun.. no doubt about it u will loose. dont even bother
nah...this is easy to say ...soundz ass-licker,just because he probly owns you,doesnt means he owns everyone...yea hes a hard-shooter,but dont say such ridiculous things
my last post was for to redneck...and this one will be for ya anti-hero:im a very skilled player ,dont underestimate people on a forum,dont say a guy is better than me or him or wathever else unless u see it in real time.
goddamit this is a real time chat!!!!! armmmph....i didnt admit i own u,we r tie believe me i remember sometimes i finish 1st u second,and sometimes u first me second...
"anti-hero i would put your name on that list ..ive played many times with ya and shit u made some impossible shots....WAllHaCk!!!!...or see through wall skins .... "
so i dont own u jeese, thats why ur accusing me of cheating. how about we settle this now cause i woudl like this thread to get back ontopic. pick a server duck i will meet u there.
anti,its not because i own a guy that he isnt cheating ..now i go on [84thUSMC]...meet me there,my name is Col.Kh0Ld>>Qc..didnt play of the whole day,i wish u didnt play too ...
C'mon.. You said you were on the server playing.. Then you got kicked.. Then you were able to rejoin and stick around long enough for this calm guy to tell you your on a cheater list.
He's obviously pulling your leg.. You actually think he has this list of cheaters next to him and he goes through it whenever someone is owning him?
He was just messing with you because he didn't want to say flat out that he kicked you due to ownage. What was this guys name? Never heard of this server before.
I've been mass kicked before. Every time I tried to rejoin to see what was up I got kicked again. So I just kept flooding the server with "{IH}Mr_nStuff has joined the server" messages. And when he finally got tired of me and I got in. The only obvious admin in on the server completely denied that he was kicking me. It's embarrassing for them to fess up to the ownage.
I''m sure if you think back.. You probably got kicked out right after killing the admin.. Which is proof he kicked you on an impulse and not cause you on some paper list under his keyboard.
And to get back on topic...we are working on just such an idea at mohadmin.com. There will be a list of IPs in a private section for Admins to look at and compare notes with each other. Got yourself banned on one server? How about every server in Admin Alliance?