Just like it say. I was looking for a place to play Spearhead and there are only five servers up and running so far. Rudedog when is the aa.com server going to be up?
I was thinking about this earlier. I looked on Gamespy last night and they didn't have servers playing the full version. When is this going to change over?
It will probably be the weekend before you see alot of servers. People have to get the game first, then they have to install it, download the server exe, etc. For people like me who have servers in remote locations, it takes a couple days before you can get over to it and do the install. I also havent seen linux binaries yet, so that will cut the number of servers in 1/2 (or worse).
Rude can't host the server until the provider gets a copy of SH, and makes sure it's compatible with their machines. Until then, AA.COM server is staying stock maps for MOHAA. Hopefully, we'll make the switch soon, though.