Windows XP and MOHAA (Problems) -
11-17-2002, 02:01 PM
just like to say glad to be back,havent posted here since mohaa first came out when the mods and skins were just coming out,and boy I would like to say im not suprised how much mohaa grew.The community looks great! so much stuff out there now it's incredible.
Ok now to my problem,when I used to play mohaa I ran it on windows 2000 and it ran I've upgraded to Windows XP with SP1 , and im having trouble playing the game..I've installed it...installed the 1.11 patch the problem is when it goes into playing the game loading it suddenly crashes,the game closes im back to my desktop. Even in multiplayer it does the same thing says connecting to server(then I guess when its about done it crashes again)closes and im back at my desktop once again.Now I remember when mohaa first came out people had problems with it playing with XP and im wondering if theres a fix for it or something.I've upgraded and degraded my gfx card's drivers already It's a gforce 2 64mb,its a great card so I know it's capable of playing it.
anyway if you guys can help me il be greatfulll,im sure someone knows what to do,thanks in advance :)