will the omaha beach level be playable in mulitiplayer? if so how would it be done? i think it would be fun if each team allies and axis have allied ai. like it would be exactly like the singal player one except you wouldnt have to get the bangalores someone else would or something....and it is possable to stop the invasion....
Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
08-22-2001, 08:05 AM
Christ almighty i hope not....
2 guys walk into a bar. You'd think the second guy would've seen it coming when the first guy hit it...http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/alzmaps2/
hmm why not? i think DoD has it set up fairly good right now, but it favors the allies a bit too much. if they overrun with the first wave, germans are toast unless they can really get their act together...
think everyones just scratching for questions. 2015 must be really busy cus not many questions are being answered anyway.
Im running out fast anyone else feel the same?