i think it suxs because they wont give me that free registration that i won 5 and a half months ago,,and they keep saying that i already have it when i dont (Me --> eatthis: <--GSA)
I don't think gamespy sucks as much as I think ASE is a better interface. THey have a much easier command screen and the information I get is better. On top of that I do not have to put up with the advertisements when playing under a differant ID. I have to differant ID's that I use, one when I want to be good (that one is registered) and 1 when I want to be evil and just use shotguns and rockets.
1. It takes overhead (I know it runs in *background*) to use Game Spy to connect online. Why give it to Gayspy when I can get in the game through in game browser?
2. Those freaking ads I have to wait for. M16:
3. Maybe they fixed this, but last I knew, they limited the number of buddies you could spy on. oOo:
4. The version I used to run crashed a lot. And once it started that, there was no choice but to completely reinstall Game Spy. cry:
Well i now use ASE ,however i did use gsa for about a year,what i find is that when i came out of a game on gsa it hangs frustratingly for a while,
also the best thing about ASE is that it reserves a spot for you until a place is free so unlike gsa im not continualy going through all the frustration of going through the motions to be told that the server is full.
Not to mention GSI (parent co. of gayspy) is nothing but a machine to suck as much money in as many ways as possible from gamers. SH/ASE is a good example.
Fuck letting us choose GSA because its a better product (its a piece of shit), now they're trying to force it down our throats.
They took over OGL and tried to make money off shoutcasts...OGL dies.
They bought RW...now its a hunk of shit that forces you to buy the server version.
Look at any GSI sponsored website...so many goddamn pop-ups and tower ads you cant see the content.
There was even talk on the GSI forums about putting a cookie on your comp if you visited any Planet site that would know if you were using a pop up blocker and ban you from any GSI site untill you got rid of it.
Since this latest ASE insult I absolutely refuse to purchase any more games from EA. I will warez each and every future release from them.
Had it and used it for a while. Didn't like the ads, and it always got much higher pings and fewer servers than the ingame browser and wouldn't connect half the time, so I dumped it. biggrin:
Not to mention GSI (parent co. of gayspy) is nothing but a machine to suck as much money in as many ways as possible from gamers. SH/ASE is a good example.
Fuck letting us choose GSA because its a better product (its a piece of shit), now they're trying to force it down our throats.
They took over OGL and tried to make money off shoutcasts...OGL dies.
They bought RW...now its a hunk of shit that forces you to buy the server version.
Look at any GSI sponsored website...so many goddamn pop-ups and tower ads you cant see the content.
There was even talk on the GSI forums about putting a cookie on your comp if you visited any Planet site that would know if you were using a pop up blocker and ban you from any GSI site untill you got rid of it.
Since this latest ASE insult I absolutely refuse to purchase any more games from EA. I will warez each and every future release from them.
Anyone want a copy of SH?
Hey Jasper...
Don't hide it. Tell us how you really feel. cool: