I've written a very simple server side mod to give more smoke nades.
I submitted it to AA a few days ago, but not seen it in the downloads. So if anyone wants it for their server, they can get it [url=http://www.skidmark.net/MOHAA/moresmoke.zip:1a492]here[/url:1a492].
You can alter the number of nades by changing the value in the tik file.
I worked on a basic extension of the smoke grenades life cycle...the result was more smoke but....the FPS went to hell when you attempted to enter the smoke. Even from the edge of the smoke line you would see a drastic decrease in fps. So I am not sure if it was because I didn't expand the area of affect of the smoke to disipate into when I extended the life of it or if it is some other reason. Which would explain why the origional life span of the smoke was what it was set to.