Don't take the putdowns from the people that used the cracked version of GS. ASE is a great proggie, and it's free also. But, GS is good too. I would probably use ASE, but I paid for my Gamespy, so no ads for me, and Im happy!
Hey Jasper...
Don't hide it. Tell us how you really feel. cool:
Was I being obtuse again?
So sorry.
This is a deep and long simmering hatred that goes back to my Tribes/OGL days. Ask any veteran Tribes 1 player how they feel about GSI.
Their "business model" is to invent as many ways as possible to make money off the gaming community. Fuck em.
Their "business model" is to invent as many ways as possible to make money off the gaming community.
Thats not really a bad business model. Should it have been - lets find as many ways as possible to loss money to the gaming community? Or maybe - lets all work for free!!! Now, if they provide crappy service or put out a pisspoor product, supply and demand will take care of them, but they seem to be going strong. Money talks.
The word obtuse allwasy cracks me up.
There was a skit on WKRP where someone called Les Nessman Obtuse.
He had to look the word up. Then he tells someone it meant he was
"rounded on the free edges"
opposed to just being Dull