You could say the same thing for cab drivers. Do you think that just because there is an excess of foreign cab drivers that if we eliminated immigration that no one would drive cabs because you need to be an immigrant to do so? I doubt it.
There are a lot of smart immigrants and they have a variety of occupations. But it is not necessary to have them because they will be filled by white inbred slack-jawed yokols.
I have nothing against anyone, anywhere..... When it comes to Immigrants, that is....But there is nothing worse than a fucking RACIST. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic....If you are a racist, you are my enemy.
Wow how fast a thread goes off topic. Anyway, since we're on a new topic, here's my .02.
I'll only give my opinion about the U.S. because i live here. As for immigration, is it needed? No, not in this current day do we "need" immigration. There are several reasons that it's not needed today:
1. We have enough people here to feed and care for.
2. Immigrants today are much different than the ones who, say, came here 100 yrs ago. The people today don't adopt our language or culture like they did years ago. Years ago, immigrants wanted to be "American", but today, they want to be Mexican, Puerto Rican, El Salvadorian, etc, etc in America. They don't want to learn the language and adopt our way of life.
3. Immigrants today are here to make better lives for themselve but not here in the U.S. They send the money they make here back to their "Motherland" so they can live like kings.
4. And another thing.....if America is the worlds enemy and everyone hates us, why oh why do they come here by the boat loads???
I have no problem with people who come here LEGALLY, learn the ENGLISH language, ADOPT our way of life, WORK for a living, DON'T commit crimes, and who WANT to be AMERICANS. I don't think thats asking you?
[quote="CaP bUsTa":1fe64]no my dad is an immagrant..he came from ireland 25 years ago...but i just dont like the ones that come here and think they are kings like the asians and black people who think they run our school and that every white boy is their bitch[/quote:1fe64]
so you don't like them but you are using vocabulary that is commonly associated with them(referring to the post you made that started this discussion)
i just dont like the immigrants that come over and then think that because they are black or hispanic or asian that they are thugs and that every white man hates them...those are the guys i dont like..and there are lots
I have nothing against anyone, anywhere..... When it comes to Immigrants, that is....But there is nothing worse than a fucking RACIST. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic....If you are a racist, you are my enemy.
i feel the same. RACISIM is wrong and it should not be tolerated hake: