From what he's saying, he un-banned himself, by changing his IP address. But yet, no one knows who banned him, or for what. Accidential ownage? Perhaps...
Okiedokie. Founding Law, any more shit from you and you're gone. Tripp messaged me, gave me his side of the story here, and I can see him doing no wrong but standing up fro himself. You on the other hand Founding Law are provoking others, getting them stirred up for whatever reason and then telling them they cant comprehend you or whatever it is you are trying to say ?? Guess what, comprehend this... The very NEXT TIME you decide to fuck around, annoy other people here or me for that matter, you're gone. You have just this one chance to sort your shit out.
And why isnt Ed banned ?? Well, he is in a way, but I'd prefer to have him here than you.