I have created a new realism mod (oddly neough can be piucked up at
http://www.pjgsquad.com and head to its forums section soapbox area ;-))
anyway, it is a solid mod, but i want to do a couple of things with it.
First I want to "make" a new "class" called the german paratrooper, or some such, and was wondeirng if anyone found the file that binds classes to weapons.
The approapriate command would be
American rifle - springfield.tik for example (as found in some of the tik files).
What I want to do is make this new "group" and add the FG42 (already in game just not added) to the mod and playable by a german class.
What I would settle for is someone just telling me how to add a skin and assigning it a side ;-) Ie I have a wicked PJG skin i want to add (but not replace) into spearhead for the american side.
So can someone tell me how to do this? Is it simply as easy as making a new say.. Allied_PJG_trooper_Stalker.tik file with the appropriate pointers to the appropriate files (the files that describe the skin) and then it would have a Allied trooper with the ability to weild the allied guns?
or is it more complicated.
Do not think me much a noob, I have looked at plenty a file, but dont want to get my hands dirty (yet) since I am still working on the balance for the mod as a serverside mod.
But When i do move to purhaps making a full mod (ie with extra classes weapons) I want a starting point.
And feel free to check out my spearhead mod as it is right now ;-)
version .83 is up, and i have had nothing but good compliments about it (ver .82 and .81 had some doozies)
Buzz OUT