Originally Posted by Strik0r
and how do you propose we map a damage map into the bashing system?
Well since this is a game, i think it is just fine.
Otherwise this is probly a decent suggestion.
The game should differentiate the differnce btwn taking a hit to the head as opposed to a hit on the arm or chest. A blow to the back of the head should be instant death. A smash on the face should do say 50 dmg with a pistol. Hmm, maybe 75 with a rifle butt, cuz we know a blow to the nose would probly kill u. A blow to the jaw or side or the face would probly split your face open or at least break your face.
A blow to the chest should be 35 (pistol) / 50 (rifle) or at least a definitive disorientation, where it makes aiming harder or more erratic.
U could make a rifle blow do more damage since it is a heavier weapon.
Each weapon type should have different damages.