I have been playing bf1942 for a while. I had given up MoH mostly ..belive it or not..because of all the lean and striaf binds. It was beginning to look so totally gay pple leaning and running all the time. Ruining the "real battle" feel.
I just got Spearhead and noticed that it was taken out ( the ability to run and lean). That was the best thing they could have done. But...I guess I was wrong. I was at the aa.com server and all pple were doing was leaning and running and leaning. Can I ask why this is in the game? Run and lean? WHY!!! It makes me want to quit again. Leaning and running has ruined it again for me. I just can't get over it. Don't get me wrong I can still kick considerable ass. But man please take out this run and lean shit. Leaning while still should be the standard.
Sorry for whinning but it just pisses me off and in makeing this game unrealisc and gay again for me. Ill ask rudedog to disable leaning while running on his server but I am sure that most pple like it because it gets them and extra few kills. (ruins the athenticity) but gets a few more kills woo hoo!!
Yep this topic has been repeated over and over and over and over and over.....
Ya it's a personal thing really some people lean and some don't, its been around for a long time before MOH I think the first Unreal allowed it. Right now with SH its a server side mod so, if you don't like it go to another server is my recommendation. I know it might seem stupid but during a fire fight things get ugly and people do anything to save their ass.
i think it's dumb but don't really care if someone does it, there are a lot worse things ruining the "gameplay" such as crouch-sliding and constant bunny-hopping.
Well...yes its been covered many many times before but ill have my say.To me there is nothing more ridiculous than some1 run/lean/straffing. 1. your quite right it aint realistic
2.Unless all people know how to do it ,it is an unfair advantage(unless u learned how to counter it :) = aim for the ol weding tackle.
3.shit 3 has left me...
Anyways my phylosophy is....you dance with the devil.....blah blah blah...n so on= dance all u like ya still going down.
run and lean doesnt bother me, but if we grant that it is not realistic, what do you think of the ridiculous run speeds now the default?
If the intention was to make it realisitc, these absurd speeds are much more offensive than the run and lean. The whole spirit of MOH is ruined by fast run speeds, which defeat any emphasis on tactics, stealth, or skills other than the ridiculous circle strafe/hopping to dodge bullets.
it doesnt bother bother me in the slightest cause i use rifle only on realism and one well placed bullet has these lame lean binders actually lean another full 45 degrees into the dirt. game over.
Well in reply to plfromden Ive only got moh so far (till i get new vid card spearhead=no go)
But i believe the run/straff/lean can be turned on/ off server side and also the speed can be set back to moh speed.
This at least gives u the choice to choose a server with people playing the same way ie:no run/straff/lean wheras in mohaa we aint got no choice,people do it if they want(or know how)
Hey BT, long time no see. Judas is right (imagine that! haha) the AAN server runs a realism mod that still prevents you from leaning and running. Check it out.
I use the leaning and running. Think about it....if it were a real war and you were in it running to or from the enemy, would you run a straight line or stand straight? Answer would most likely be NO. You have to try to dodge the shots being fired at you. No one wants to get whacked! This will also improve your aim when it comes to us leaners. Mine has, yours will too.
The choice to ban it completely is the most stupid thing they've ever done. They should have made it that when you lean, you get a severe speed penalty. That's realistic, and will stop people from leaning and running as it will make them REALLY easy to hit walking like a snail.
It will then allow for repositioning behind cover while leaning....now you constantly pop out up straight while moving about a bit....talking about unrealistic.