Originally Posted by r3mix
yeah but we are talking about shootings dude.
where i grew up there was guaranteed to be an all in brawl at one of the pubs every sat night. if every motherfucker there had access to a handgun its gonna have a bearing on whether you go home or to the morgue.
likewise where its a lot harder to get guns theres no baseball bat massacres.
the things only have one purpose - to kill people.
Maybe you'd have less brawls if thugs got shot every once and awhile. I'll be damned if I'd call that better where you get the shit kicked out of you nearly everywhere you go and have no recourse... People have been killed/crippled in bar fights, that is not cool.
And actually, you do have massacres with other things where guns aren't available. Check out the machete (or was it a large knife) massacre in Japan a couple years ago. There have been killings/woundings at schools where a madman runs through with a hammer hitting children as well...
The problem is the people, not the guns. You can argue guns make it easier to carry out these killings, but as it so happens defensive/good uses of guns farrrrr out number these massacres and such every year, in the US at least. US Department of Justice has listed the legal defensive uses of guns by citizens at over 1.5 million per year...