Originally Posted by Cerialkiller
Ok If you want to be in the tournement here are the rules.
1. Depending on how many ppl i get i will decide how many rounds.
(example. I get 100 people to sign up. I would do 10 rounds of 10 people. The top 2 would move to the second round. Leaving 20 people. Then i would do 4 rounds of 5 people with the top one person moving to the last round. The last round would consist of 4 people and the top person there wins the tournement.)
2. It will be mohaa. Not spearhead. My server doesn't run spearhead.
3. Free for all match 10 minutes long. (maybe longer or shorter depends on wut u guys want.)
4. Map would either be destroyed Village or Algiers. (Any suggestions. Maybe a custom map?)
5. Judge by most kills not least deaths or anything else. MOST KILLS.
6. No custom skins. Like thos NEON ones.
7. No realism. Classic mohaa
8. Only Sniper rifles. (But if i get enough people that want Rifle added i wil add that to.)
If you wish to participate please give me your email address. The tournement will prolly be in the next two weeks sometime. Prolly a saturday night.
My email is
20 minutes is better.
In case of draw , ratio decide.
DV , Algier , remegen , cross road are cool map for sniping.