I 100% agree with druids comments. We got tired of messing with our server and it was getting outdated, but it is a lot of work. Now we just crash druid's(and FK's) servers. You guys run quality servers.
heres somethin else these guys dont get. they have no idea the time spend setting up a quality server not to mention the expence involved. they just hope into a game and think it oughta be just the way they want it or they start complainin about the way things go or the way its set up. you spend the time to mod a map or 4. guys dont like it so they say its ghey..wich by the way ill kick a guy in the blink of an eye for usin that word..when someone uses that it tells me the guys an idiot anyway so why let him stay. the regulars on my server are mostly adults and have been with me for a long time. we welcome new players until they wear out there welcome . on my server its not a democracy. i make all final calls on players gettin kicked. operative words being..( MY SERVER ) so complain if you want but dont expect to be there long if you do.CAUSE LIKE IT OR NOT !! THE SERVER ADMINS RUN THERE OWN SHOW !! . as for auto kick..its set at 200. IF YOU WANNA RUN WITH THE BIG DOGS!!!..UPGRADE..YOUR PISS POOR MACHINE IS NOT THE SERVER ADMINS PROBLEM..ITS YOURS.. just my opinion...BUTCHER
I played for years on a slow 56k modem.....I dealt with it and was always able to find a server that would run at my speeds. I also know there are still servers with out autokick on them because I have visited many servers with laggy players.
Some things I did to compensate for the slow connection was.....get games that don't require multiplay and/or keep hunting for a server I can play on. I lived on Maui....and Island that thought the Rainforrests of Hana deserves broadband before Kihei did...Kihei has a super computer and was at one point the fastest growing community in the USA. Now that I am not there everyone has BB.
The point is you will get BB sooner or later. If you don't then the choices you have to play games are what I have already stated. I do understand your frustration. But what you fail to understand is that as far as I can see a larger population of BB players then there is 56kers. With that and the fact that the owners of the servers out there are shelling out a nice wadd of cash for everyone to enjoy for free means you will have to deal with what they want. And if the owners of the servers want to run thier autokick programs they will.
If you were to go to a server which was running a mod of any sort is it your right to order the Admins to turn them off? No its not...it may not be what you want to hear but its the plain truth.
As an admin I know now more than ever high pingers cause major havock on a server. The new code used to deal with a lagging player creates gameplay problems which never affected MOHAA. In fact I have been witness to more than one lagging player holding a higher score because its harder to hit them with the new programing in SH. And if its between the AOL or any other dial up player and the guy forking out $40+ dollars a month well the choice is again a simple one to figure out. Ok I guess its time to flame me right? mmmmmmmmmmmm roast duck! freak:
I got a job, but im not paying the $50 a month it costs to get broadband so fuck it. I do fine anyways on the AA.com server. I never get kicked even in auto-kick servers since my ping is usually around 200
Finding servers with no auto kick is real easy, most death match and team match dont got an auto kick, its just the obj servers with auto kick. If u want to play obj with no auto kick make ur own freakin game and stop complaining, other wise pay what ever it costs to get dsl or cable. We don't need ppl like you with 56k fuckin up the server's seeing how we payed the money ti play with low ping, and if u don't like it, go cry to mommy! cry: M16:
well i got you beat, i pay 129 a month for my wireless connection, and am happy to do it. I live in the country where there is nothing else, other than 56k. But i also have perks for that price. I have my own website, my own FTP, and my own dedicated server, all on my ISP's PC. That and its just an awesome connection (250 - 300KB/s Downloading, at least 120KB/s Uploading).
this may be the most retarted conversation ive ever seen. because u dont want to spend the money you are bitching that other players dont want you to ruin their fun? get a brain dude, theres no liogic in that, auto kick has a positive effect on the game: eliminating lag... maybe you should either stop playing or spend the money...