12-03-2002, 04:29 PM
<Innoxx> lol, I just looked on a globe, I thought NZ was papua new guinnea
<PfcGreen> Founding_Law is just sad.
<Innoxx> he needs to be penciled in for a visit from the angel of death
<PfcGreen> lol
<Innoxx> i wish his mother's health plan covered abortion
<PfcGreen> he he
<PfcGreen> He probably got that "song" from his aunts pimp.
<Innoxx> he needs to be strapped to a gurney and castrated with small fishing hooks
<Innoxx> or, he needs to be hit in the head repeatedly with heavy mining equipment
<PfcGreen> yes
<Tripper> Lol, check out my reply
IRC hijinx. Gotta love it. Gotta love george carlin too.