Im sure this post will get a lot of visits . So i gota ask a question. Why do players choose a name that they already know will probably get them kicked from some servers. You find a server you enjoy and you get kicked because your using a name that a lot of server admins may not like and you knew it when you choose the name. Why would you do that ?? It seems stupid to me. I could list a bunch of names right here in this forum that id kick from my server. The next thing i dont understand is after they get kicked. They end up back here to complain about gettin kicked in the first place. Am i missin somethin here. Then the really stupid thing is they say its the server admins falt and flame him for kickin them out of the server..HOLY CRAP !!!!.I see that time and time again here but never has anyone explained why a player would do that..Ill check back and see if anyone can come up with a intellegent answer. But i dont think they can...well see...BUTCHER