Originally Posted by CoUbLaCkA
whats wrong?
well i find it kinda funny cause when im 18, im gonna actually have a life, and be in university, while you guys play computer games. Just because i dont give a shit what i say on the aa.com forums and act stupid doesnt mean im retarded or anything. i Guarantee that ive got a better future than any of you out there who think your gonna work for microsoft or something.
Well, I'm taking some time off, you see some people don't have parents that will pay for your post secondary education, so i have to take up a job. I'm already doing good, I have my own place (no pesky managers or room mates), got my own car, got a girlfriend, got a job. I'd say I'm going pretty good for an 18 year old who has no one to lean on. It was a rough road for me but I did it. So don't give me a lecture on how to run my life shithead, you don't know what real life is you overgrown malignant tumour. We need another war so people like you get shot in the face by some raghead who wipes his ass with his hand. Fuck off.