I don't know I can't really blame him for crackin it. I cracked the orignal AA cause my freind wanted to play but had no money. Plus , come on, it's EA!
"*cough*, why do you need it...go buy the bloody game...warez sucks......BAH !"
cough .....cough
I have bought 3 cpopies of the game....... server and extra PC running it..... but I still use the no cd patch when its available for ease of use......
I cracked MOHAA. I don't have to use the CD every time I want to play it, so its much faster and easier.
Mad_Israeli I'll keep my eyes open for the patch.
The NO CD Patch is not a cracked version of the game. Its just the moh_spearhead.exe set to run without the CD. makes it easier to load the game. I'm lookin out for it myself.
You need the crack well i got one from *** or you can ge tit from thats where i got mine and i like it more the game runs faster and of course i didnt had to buy it lol its a life people some times you cheat sometimes you dont well i chose cheat if they would make the price for the game lower then ill buy it i allready spent about $500 on games and now its time for free games like Spearhead ill consider its as my rebate of those $500. so again THE CRACK IS ON **** OR **** ENJOY THE GAME biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:
To all those who use the no-cd crack after BUYING the game:
I understand. It keep the disk mint, faster and more convenient, etc, etc..
To all you warez fools:
I don't want to hear any bitching from you about EA not supporting mohaa. Support EA by purchasing the game and maybe they'll support you. Until you buy the game STFU. Hypocrites.
HAHAHA -------ISRAIL--------- is as poor arab country that like to lick america A.S.S thats why america give them the money- they lick america bals so America give them more money ---and another thing Israil is a country of DEATH you go there consider your self lying next to the restaraunt with a pieces of bomb in your A.S.S thats the facts and it always be like that. eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: angel: angel: