I have a Gainward Ultra/750 XP Golden Sample w/ 128mb running at 1280x1024 with everything at max setting and works like a charm. My laptop has 16mb of video ram and that works fine too, altho sometimes I see players thru wall...must be the ATI chip that came with the laptop.
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i have 4200 Ti 64 mb. Beats the 4200 ti 128, save the money go with the 64mb. I just upgraded from a 32 mb radeon that was about 3 years old. Its awsome. oOo: the geforce that is...
BTW I read on http://www.geforcezone.com that the Gainward Ti4200 64MB is a POS! I have a Gainward GeForce3 and it rocks! I also have the BFG Ti 4200 128MB and it too rocks!
The 64mb ram ti4200 card outscores the 128 mb card by adround 800 points on 3dMark. It has better memory than the 128. Unless you are running at 1600x1200 than the 128 is better.
True, and you can oc them more due to the better memory. I just got a eVGA 64mb ti4200. I oc'ed it from 250/512 to 275/585. Picked up about 500 points on my 3D mark.
Check pricewatch. best prices. Just stay away from the OEM cards and go with full retail box. OEM= lower clock speed and cheaper components
I disagree. I bought 2 gf4 4200 by PNY XFX. One was an OEM and the other was in retail box. Both score almost the same and run just as good in the 3dmarks.
OEM Dosen't nesscessarly have to mean that the part has lower-quality specs, such as lower RAM, or clock speed, etc.
Yes, it can mean this, and it most siduations it does. But OEM can also mean basically "barebones", or just the product. If you get a OEM Video Card, it can just be the card, no software, no cables, etc.