Check out Burning Bridge [us], IP is It's been running since the first day the demo came out. The server has been alternating between MOHAA and MOHAASH. SH with new maps AA SH AA
DL the map packs at
I'll vouch for these servers,all very good and with excellent players that have a good attitude.[/quote:b5706]
Best servers on the web. Check Druid's sig for the specifics. Very well admined, top notch players, excellent realism/balanced weapon mods. Always full (and hard to get in). #2 and #2a (SH) are where you can usually find me.
If this sounds good to you I will give you IP. Server uses Ares 5 realism. Shottie power reduced to actualy levels, only get 2 nades, rocket cannot move with launcher out and only gets 2 rounds, no more leet sniper left foot kills with one shot...they have to aim for head or chest. Pistol power increased to more realistic levels, rifle power increased to realistic levels, SMG rates of fire increased or decreased to actual known data on weapons...and RECOIL ON.